22 charities and community groups in Essex have directly benefitted from the help of teens participating in their National Citizen Service (NCS) powered by EBGC this Autumn.
Activities have included:
- helping to run Chelmsford Fireworks, Basildon Fireworks and Billericay Fireworks, with Chelmsford Round Table, Chelmsford Ladies Circle, Basildon Round Table and Billericay Round Table. Included marshalling, selling tickets, running a children’s play area and performing post-event litterpicks. All of the Fireworks events were held to raise money for local charities.
- promoting mental health self-help books for young people in various Essex Libraries
- reading to childen at various Essex Libraries
- helping to run youth club sessions at North Avenue Youth Club and Ingatestone Boys Own Club
- holding fundraising cake sales, quiz nights, curry nights and raffles for various charities including Kids Inspire, British Lung Foundation, Children in Need, Evalina Children’s Heart Organisation, Myeloma UK, OCD Action,and Driving with Grace.
- learning to knit with the local Women’s Institute to make knitted blankets for sick newborns in Broomfield Hospital
- stewarding at the National Amateur Boxing Championship
- handing out leaflets at Chelmsford Christmas Lights Switch-on to support the local business community
- helping to sort donations at local charity shops, including Barnado’s, Basildon Mind, Scope, Sue Ryder.
- marshalling the regular Saturday run at Basildon Park Run.
- mentoring and tutoring younger students in their schools.
- promoted the work of many of the above-named charities in their schools.
NCS is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity open to all 16 to 17 year olds across England.
The Autumn NCS program takes place during half-term and then the volunteering hours are completed during evenings and weekends in the following month.
146 teens will graduate from the Autumn 2016 delivery of NCS powered by Essex Boys and Girls Clubs. Each has completed 30 hours of planning and volunteering as part of the social action phase of their project, totalling 4,380 hours of voluntary support for good causes.