Essex Boys & Girls Clubs

The Creative Arts

Inspiring Through Creative Arts

Here at the EBGC, we believe in the power of creativity to help change young people’s lives. Our programmes are designed to help young people explore their artistic talents, spark their imagination and express themselves in many different ways.

Creative Workshops

Our workshops provide a range of creative skills including clay work, photography, dance, drama, painting, jewellery making, tie dye, candle making and more!

To find out more, get in touch with us!

Theatre Trips

Opportunities to see Live Theatre both locally and in London’s Westend.
Across 2024 over 120 people will be joining us in seeing a performance of
‘Wicked’ in London’s Westend.

'Theatre For All'

Creating a theatre performance in a week! Our instructors, choreographers and theatre professionals work with young people to create a theatre show in a week. This could range from a variety show, pantomime, mini musical or even a youth lead original performance about something they feel is important to them, such as gang crimes, bullying and much more.

What Else?

Performing Arts Workshops – We can offer short classes in dance, drama or singing.

Interclub competitions – Why not try a competition between your own club and another local club? With events like ‘The EBGC Bake Off’ and our ‘Arts Activity Day’ or the ‘Talent Contest’, they’re the perfect place to meet new Youth Clubs and ignite some friendly competition.

Arts Project – Do you have an arts project that you would like to run at your club but not sure where to start? Then we can help! This could be anything from an Eco Fashion to a garden project. Let us help you with ideas, resources and even help running a session. 


Want to get involved? Why not get in touch with our Arts Officer below, or call 01245 264783