The Regional round of the NABC championships took place on Sunday 19th November with 13 bouts to decide the regional champions. Clubs from Anglia, Surrey, Sussex and Kent put on a great display of youth boxing. In all, 26 boxers competed with 53 male and female champions (including walkovers) progressing into the Quarter Finals. Photos from the weekend are available on our Facebook page.
Regional champions, and walkovers, will now compete in the Quarter Finals against London champions on Sunday 26th November at Live at the Roundhouse, Dagenham. Doors open from 12:30 pm. £15 Adults, £5 under 16’s.
Champions from the Quarter Finals will take a place in the southern semi finals hosted by Young Bristol at Hengrove Park Leisure Centre, Bristol, BS14 0DE on Sunday 3rd December.
If you have any questions about the championships please contact 01245 264783 or email katiec@essexboysandgirlsclubs.org.