Summer Newsletter
Our summer Newsletter is here! Click here to read it. If you have any news you would like in the winter newsletter please contact Rebecca on rebeccas@essexboysandgirlsclubs.org

Young Leader Training at Maes Y Lade
13 Young Leaders from 4 affiliated youth clubs along with 3 staff travelled down to our Maes Y Lade Centre for a few days of training and adventure. The Young Leaders had been chosen to take part in the...

Spring Newsletter
Our Spring Newsletter is here! Click here to have a read. If you have any news for the next newsletter please email rebeccas@essexboysandgirlsclubs.org

Its time to have your say! At Essex Boys and Girls Clubs we are reviewing what we offer to enable us to offer more opportunities to your young people by securing further funding to continue our club development and...

By now our clubs should have received our recent mail out in the post! This was to ensure that our clubs are aware that we have changed the date of our Annual AGM Our AGM will take place on...

Youth Leader position available
**THE CLOSING DATE FOR THIS POSITION HAS NOW PASSED** St Anne’s Youth Club in Colchester is looking to appoint an enthusiastic and self motivated leader to help the club on Friday evenings. The youth club is well established having...

Essex Adventure Weekend
The Essex Adventure Weekend is an annual event run by Essex Boys and Girls Clubs for our affiliated member clubs and our national network. Two days of fun and challenging activities in a supportive youthwork environment. We take over...