Summer Newsletter
Our summer Newsletter is here! Click here to read it. If you have any news you would like in the winter newsletter please contact Rebecca on rebeccas@essexboysandgirlsclubs.org

Spring Newsletter
Our Spring Newsletter is here! Click here to have a read. If you have any news for the next newsletter please email rebeccas@essexboysandgirlsclubs.org

EBGC Autumn Newsletter
The EBGC Autumn Newsletter is on its way to you now! If you want to read it online please click here. Can you spot your club anywhere? If your club has some exciting news or achievements that you feel...

EBGC Spring Newsletter
The EBGC Spring Newsletter is on its way to you now! If you want to read it online please click here. Can you spot your club anywhere? If your club has some exciting news or achievements that you feel...

Newsletter for Clubs December 2016
We have published our latest Club Newsletter and mailed it out to Club Correspondents at all of our affiliated clubs. Read the pdf version here >

Christmas Newsletter for Clubs
Hot off the press, our latest newsletter has been mailed out to our affiliated clubs, along with flyers and entry forms for upcoming events. Read the downloadable pdf here >