Yes Your Club Can Open!
Join the EBGC team on Wednesday 16th September @ 7pm on Zoom to discuss how to open your club safely. This session is suitable for club leaders and volunteers who are looking to reopen or have recently opened their...
Join the EBGC team on Wednesday 16th September @ 7pm on Zoom to discuss how to open your club safely. This session is suitable for club leaders and volunteers who are looking to reopen or have recently opened their...
Volunteer Training 11 Volunteers from 3 affiliated youth clubs and the EBGC VTEAM travelled down to our Maes Y Lade Centre for a few days of training and adventure. The volunteers were offered the opportunity to take part in...
Our summer Newsletter is here! Click here to read it. If you have any news you would like in the winter newsletter please contact Rebecca on
13 Young Leaders from 4 affiliated youth clubs along with 3 staff travelled down to our Maes Y Lade Centre for a few days of training and adventure. The Young Leaders had been chosen to take part in the...
Our Spring Newsletter is here! Click here to have a read. If you have any news for the next newsletter please email
Volunteers from our Volunteer Team and Club Network come together to support Teenage Cancer Trust at the London Marathon Over the last few months, EBGC has been busy building a new partnership with Teenage Cancer Trust. The London Marathon...
NEPAL ADVENTURE 2017 In August, 10 young people and 2 staff members flew 16 hours around to world to Nepal. After spending a couple of days in the city of Kathmandu experiencing the...