The Respect Project is an early intervention programme for 13-14 year olds. It’s designed to help year 9’s who are struggling in school to re-engage with their education, deal with life’s problems, build their mental resilience, self confidence and improve their mental wellbeing.
The Project takes place over a four month period, during term time. Some elements happen during school time and others are during evenings and weekends. All take place away from the school setting and are delivered by fully vetted and trained youth workers. This is to help young people to open up to trusted adults and overcome fears and barriers to progress.
Over the course of 8 Weeks, young people undergo a series of ‘Life Skills Sessions’ to understand the effects of their actions, become aware of the dangers within their community and how to avoid them, and to learn valuable life skills like teamwork and communication.
After they have completed ‘Life Skills’, they then embark on a 7 day residential at one of our residential Centre’s in the Lake District or Brecon Beacons. Here they put the skills they have learned to the test as they need to work together to overcome mountaineering, scrambling, leading up to a 24 hour expedition. All is led by a qualified Mountain Leader who guides beneficiaries through their journey.
After the project has finished, we conclude it with a presentation evening where participants are awarded their qualification for completing the course, and have time to reflect on everything they have gone through and all they have overcome.
Want to find out more?
The Respect Project is accredited under ASDAN as an Activities and Peer Tutoring Short Course. It therefore:
Parents and guardians are asked to provide feedback about the impact of the project at home and with family and they are also invited to the Presentation Evening at the end of the project.
This is a chance for young people to step outside their comfort zone, build on their mental resilience and see positive improvements to their mental wellbeing. We strive to work with young people to put them on the right path in life and help them to realise they can overcome anything.
Find out more about where they will be staying on their week away!
“I enjoyed this project a lot. it made me
more motivated to work harder and focus
more at school, and be more open to
people and it’s opened doors more than I
think ever before in my life and I feel that if
I was not part of this project I don’t know
where I would be today.”
Previous Beneficiary
Read more about our project in our leaflet