Its time to have your say!
At Essex Boys and Girls Clubs we are reviewing what we offer to enable us to offer more opportunities to your young people by securing further funding to continue our club development and event and activity programmes.
EBGC is YOUR association and you should have a say about what happens. We have put together a Club Leader and Club Member questionnaire. It would be really helpful if you could take 2 minutes to complete the relevant one and circulate them to the rest of your club.
Please click on the link below.
Club leaders Questionnaire: https://surveyhero.com/c/b291cef9 (You don’t have to be a club leader to complete this! Every club volunteer can complete it)
Club members questionnaires: https://surveyhero.com/c/94b0b601
Every member of your club that completes the survey will create an entry to a prize draw for your club to win a FREE visit to Layer Marney Outdoors – our brand new outdoor activity centre opening soon!
Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this questionnaire, we really appreciate it and looking forward to seeing the responses